Sunday, December 1, 2013

A few snapshots from the highlight reel...

Everyday Dar

The view of city center with the Indian Ocean in the background (and the coming-soon-Bus Rapid Transit system in the foreground - progressive planning comes to Dar es Salaam!)

The view from the office

Foleni - traffic...10,000x less frustrating from 5 stories above it

A rainy day commute

Mattresses on the move - I swear there's a driver under there somewhere..

When daladala buses aren't enough...

The starting point for my new train commute!

Commuters awaiting their train

The office end of the train commute

Sunset for company on my walk home from the station

Recycling :)

PRE-Thanksgiving Christmas decorations. Can't escape it even halfway across the world!

The Homefront

Rainwater harvesting from our rooftops!
Backyard duck raising to supplement our chicken operation. The irony considering the vegetarianism is not lost on me!

See above :) Though kudos to Juliette, Balozi and Zuhura  for their entrepreneuring - they sold these chickens supermarket-style for a total of $30...more than enough to feed the household for a week!
From the travels..

Tanzania-Zambia railway station - last Tanzanian stop before the border. 
Mbeya town! 
Mombasa homestay family reunion, seven years later!
Nawal at 18...yet another reminder of how time flies 

On the work front

GIS day pics with some of the InfoBridge crew
My new office digs!

Orientation to my January volunteering gig with Center for Community Initiatives - an education in affordable housing, slum dweller rights, sustainable building, and economic empowerment all in one go 

CCI's Chamazi slum dweller tenant resettlement/homeownership initative