As part of our 4th of
July celebration, we decided we’d share a few American (or American-ish)
proverbs since we are learning a new Tanzanian one almost every day. We wrote
them on little pieces of paper and had each of our guests choose one like you
would a fortune. I think (or hope at least) they were a hit. One of our
teachers asked for the master list…problem is I didn’t keep a list, handed them
all out and can’t now remember which ones we came up with! I’m jotting them
down as I remember them and will keep a running list here…contributions are
welcome if you can think of ones that aren’t here yet!
rolling stone gathers no moss
between the lines!
cry wolf
apple a day keeps the doctor away
pot shouldn’t call a kettle black
no need to beat a dead horse
in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
grass is always greener
count your chickens before they hatch
bite the hand that feeds you
you don’t at first succeed, try, try again
doesn't kill you makes you stronger
early bird catches the worm
sky at night, sailor's delight. Pink sky in morning, sailors take warning.
say never
sleeping dogs lie
killed the cat
-Patience is a virtue
-One man's trash is another man's treasure
all those who wander are lost (okay, this is admittedly JR Tolkien)
or do not. There is no try. (…and this one admittedly Yoda. But I think he was
American, no?)