Wednesday, July 17, 2013


As part of our 4th of July celebration, we decided we’d share a few American (or American-ish) proverbs since we are learning a new Tanzanian one almost every day. We wrote them on little pieces of paper and had each of our guests choose one like you would a fortune. I think (or hope at least) they were a hit. One of our teachers asked for the master list…problem is I didn’t keep a list, handed them all out and can’t now remember which ones we came up with! I’m jotting them down as I remember them and will keep a running list here…contributions are welcome if you can think of ones that aren’t here yet!

-A rolling stone gathers no moss
-Read between the lines!
-Never cry wolf
-An apple a day keeps the doctor away
-A pot shouldn’t call a kettle black
-There’s no need to beat a dead horse
-People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
-The grass is always greener
-Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
-Don’t bite the hand that feeds you
-If you don’t at first succeed, try, try again
-What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
-The early bird catches the worm
-Pink sky at night, sailor's delight. Pink sky in morning, sailors take warning.
-Never say never
-Let sleeping dogs lie
-Curiosity killed the cat
-Patience is a virtue

-One man's trash is another man's treasure
-Not all those who wander are lost (okay, this is admittedly JR Tolkien)
-Do or do not. There is no try. (…and this one admittedly Yoda. But I think he was American, no?)


  1. When I was younger, my mom told me "Good things come in small packages" because I wanted to be taller. ;)

    I'd love to hear some of those Tanzanian proverbs too!

  2. Love this. Consider it added. I like to say we're not short - we're efficient :)
